Sooner or later, as your cafe grows, you’ll start thinking about getting some Cafe Cash. This is a different kind of Cafe World money than regular coins. You don’t earn Cafe Cash from cooking items and serving them in your cafe, like you do with coins. You must buy Cafe Cash with real money if you want to be able to use it in the game. However, everyone starts Cafe World with 5 free Cafe Cash.
There’s a lot of reasons to get additional Cafe Cash in the game. Mostly it boils down to convenience and speed. Cafe Cash comes in really handy when you’re thinking about expanding your cafe, for instance. Many of the bigger expansions require a lot of coins, and more imporantly, neighbors. If you want to be able to expand your cafe without having to become neighbors with a lot of your friends and possibly strangers, you can use Cafe Cash to instantly buy the expansion! Another benefit is that certain decorations are only available with Cafe Cash. This is especially true with the seasonal or event decorations, like the Sports theme or the Alien space theme.
If you want to purchase Cafe Cash it’s really easy to do. Just click on the Add Coins and Cash button that you see on your screen. You will be taken to a different page where you can buy your Cafe Cash. You can purchase your cash with a credit card, Paypal, or one of many different options. The exchange rate of Cafe Cash for real money is about twenty cents in US Dollars for one Cafe Cash. If you purchase in bulk, you can get Cafe Cash for as low as sixteen cents.
A lot of people want to get free Cafe Cash, but sadly there’s no way you can get it for free. There are a few ways to earn Cafe Cash without buying it directly. If you scroll down on the purchase page, you’ll see special offers that give you free Cafe Cash as a reward. However, most of these offers still require you to purchase something, like a subscription to Blockbuster or a credit card offer. Still, if it’s something you were going to buy anyway, this is a great way to get Cafe Cash for “free” on top of the offer you’re buying. In some cases, the cost of the offer is lower than buying the same amount of Cafe Cash directly. You just have to consider the trade off of the inconvenience of having to sign up for something and possibly canceling it later.
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